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Transformers Optimus Prime Rescue Bots Vs Dinosaur Train Attack


Transformers Optimus Prime Rescue Bots Vs Dinosaur Train Attack

Transformers Robots in Disguise! In this toy review stunt show see the amazing Optimus Prime Rescue Trailer & Rescue Bots toys. Designed to carry four Transformers Rescue Bots to disaster scenes and easily transform between Optimus Prime Trailer to Jet powered flight mode (using the trailer as part of Optimus Prime's flight wings). Load up Optimus Prime to give this toy some serious rescue cargo with individual Rescue Bots toys. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Chase The Police Bot, Heatwave The Fire Bot. Each toy has a Rescue Bot tool which can be placed in various areas on the toy. There is also the smaller action figure toys Chase The Police Bot & Chief Charlie, Bumblebee & Graham Burns. All these toys are easy to play with, need no batteries and transform from vehicle to robot (not the action figures). But most importantly these toys are very strong and well designed.

I know children can play very rough with Transformers toys, at my home a rogue Dinosaur Train toy tends to appear at toy review time to put toys to the ultimate rough playtime test. Considering the truck wrecking stunt action and ultimate destruction Dinosaur attack I was surprised to see all the Transformers toys and my GoPro camera survive an extreme playtime hammering. Just goes to show you that good toys are built to last.

These toys are from the Hasbro Playskool Hero range designed for 3 to 7 year olds. They are the perfect introduction into the very large Transformers franchise. The robot I could not find was Transformers Rescue Bots Boulder The Construction Bot, seems he's fairly rare.

These toys can be found at Toys R Us, K-Mart, Target, Wal-Mart, Amazon and E-bay. But be very cautious the prices of these popular toys has some huge variations.

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