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Universal Studios Orlando Jaws Ride HD POV (FULL RIDE) Last day!


Universal Studios Orlando Jaws Ride HD POV (FULL RIDE) Last day!

Today was the last day for the Jaws ride at Universal Studios in Orlando. I filmed it several times today. This is with skipper Ashton, she was excellent. This area will become part of The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter as Diagon Alley which will be expanded in the near future.

Filmed on Monday January 2nd, 2012.

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Diagon Alley has opening where the old Jaws and Amity area were, here's a full video tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYjFf...

2015 Universal Studios Florida tour video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMB0T...


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