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Full Set Of SIngle and Double Battle Packs - Angry Birds Transformers Telepods - Unbox, Review


Full Set Of SIngle and Double Battle Packs - Angry Birds Transformers Telepods - Unbox, Review全套單人和雙人對戰包 - 憤怒的小鳥變形金剛Telepods - 拆箱,回顧

Thanks for watching AshNap Toys. follow the link for loads more videos: http://www.ashnaptoys.co.uk

In this extra long video! We open all the single and double battle packs of the New Hasbro Angry Birds Transformers Telepods! We have:
在這個超長的視頻!我們打開新的孩之寶憤怒的小鳥變形金剛Telepods的所有單人和雙人戰禮包! 我們有
Single Packs
- Optimus Prime Bird
- BumbleBee Bird
- Heatwave The Fire-Bot Bird
- Lockdown Pig
- Galvatron Pig
- SoundWave Pig

Double Battle Packs
- Sentinel Prime Brid & Deceptihog Bludgen
- Ultra Magnus Bird & SoundBlaster Pig

These now toys work with the Angry Birds Transformers iOS and Andriod game and allow you to teleport the characters into the game to unlock new content. We show some game play footage and some of the characters being teleported into the game. Having these toys work with the game is great but they make fun toys by themselves! My son has spent hours with them and they are very much like the old bot shots toys.

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You might wan to watch our Angry Bird Transformers Playlist:

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Or for something a bit different why not check out our Optimus Prime Ride On Truck!


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