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Mercedes Maybach 6 Cabriolet - ALL YOU WANT TO SEE | Ultra stylish luxury class(影片)


Mercedes Maybach 6 Cabriolet -
ALL YOU WANT TO SEE | Ultra stylish luxury class
來源  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=92&v=iJVWn1ny-Rk

Unveil the Mercedes Maybach 6 Cabriolet - Coming in 2019 ?2017-08-20
來源  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDV_zieNCIU
Stuttgart/Pebble Beach. At this year's gathering of the most magnificent classic cars at Pebble Beach in California, Mercedes-Benz is once again set to present a highlight: the Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 Cabriolet is a car which, with its sensual, emotionally appealing design and innovative technical concept solutions, defines the ultimate in luxury of the future. At the same time the two-seater model pays homage to the glorious "automotive haute couture" of hand-finished, exclusive cabriolets.The glamorous cabriolet reinterprets classic, emotional design principles in an extravagant way and combines intelligent beauty with classic, aesthetic proportions and a reduced, technoid appearance – a perfect embodiment of the design philosophy of Sensual Purity. The Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 Cabriolet is designed as an electric car. The drive system has an output of 550 kW (750 hp). The shallow underfloor battery allows a range of over 500 kilometres according to the NEDC (over 200 miles according to EPA). The elegant cabriolet is set to make its debut at the Monterey Car Week, which will take place on the Monterey Peninsula in California between 15 and 20 August 2017. The final event will be the traditional Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance, which this year takes place on 20 August. "The Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 Cabriolet takes modern luxury into the realms of the ultimate in luxury, and is the perfect embodiment of our design strategy. Breathtaking proportions combined with a luxurious "haute couture" interior help to create the ultimate experience," explains Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer of Daimler AG. Got something to say? Leave a comment below. Enjoy the video? Give it a thumbs up! As always, Subscribe! Credits: Song : Shy Girl Song Provided by Faded Tracks : tinyurl.com/htv2nrm Artist : Kedam

推出梅賽德斯邁巴赫6敞篷車 - 即將在2019年?
斯圖加特/卵石海灘。梅賽德斯 - 奔馳今年將在加利福尼亞州的Pebble海灘舉行的最壯觀的經典汽車聚會,再一次亮相:梅賽德斯 - 邁巴赫6敞篷車視覺是一款具有感性,情感吸引力的設計和創新技術的汽車概念解決方案,定義未來奢侈品的終極目標。同時,雙座車型為手工,獨家駕駛室的光榮“汽車高級時裝”致敬。迷人的敞篷車以奢華的方式重新詮釋了經典的情感設計原則,將智能美與經典,美觀的比例相結合,減少的技術外觀 - Sensual Purity的設計理念的完美體現。視覺Mercedes-Maybach 6敞篷車設計為電動車。驅動系統的輸出功率為550千瓦(750馬力)。根據NEDC(根據EPA的超過200英里),淺層地板電池允許超過500公里的範圍。優雅的敞篷車將在蒙特利車周亮相,將於2017年8月15日至20日在加利福尼亞州蒙特利半島舉行。最後的活動將是傳統的卵石海灘Concours d'Elegance,今年需要8月20日的地方。 “視覺梅賽德斯 - 邁巴赫6敞篷車將現代奢華融入奢華的終極領域,是我們設計策略的完美體現。令人驚嘆的比例與奢華的”高級時裝“內飾相結合,有助於創造終極體驗。”戴姆勒公司首席設計官Gorden Wagener。有話要說新評新新新新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗新新旗欣賞視頻?給它豎起大拇指!一如既往,訂閱!音樂:歌曲:Shy Girl Song由Faded Track提供:tinyurl.com/htv2nrm藝術家:Kedam


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