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♪ 打開它 - 一個Minecraft原創音樂視頻/歌曲♪


♪ "Turn It Up" - A Minecraft Original Music Video/Song ♪2018-01-13​
來源  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKqe5ljr4Js
Buy on iTunes ► https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/tur... Stream on Spotify ► https://open.spotify.com/track/5EVRGd... Check out all of our music videos ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2rDb... Credits: Modeling, rigging, animation, post production, and effects by Bootstrap Buckaroo: https://twitter.com/bootstrapmoves Set design and animation by Katrina Lytnis: https://twitter.com/katrinalytnis Song writing and vocals by TryHardNinja: http://www.youtube.com/user/TryHardNinja Vocal Engineering by Peter Litvin: http://www.PeterLitvinMusic.com Instrumental produced by CaptainSparklez Lyrics: What if I wrote this song about you and it turned out that every word is true? What if last night I had a vision where I saw you sitting silent in your room? So so sick and tired of feeling out of place Got your headphones on with the boosted bass You're not alone right now Just hear my voice cut through the noise when you play this song loud Whenever you're fallin' hit play Turn it up turn it up If you feel you're too far away Turn it up turn it up We all want to feel connected Like magnets that were pulled too far apart What if the distance didn't matter and our words could fix all lonely hearts? Love in the harmony and you find a way To broadcast to the world the melody that plays You're not alone right now Just hear my voice cut through the noise when you play this song loud Whenever you're fallin' hit play Turn it up turn it up If you feel you're too far away Turn it up turn it up Turn it up You can start right now break the silence down Turn it up You are not alone when you play this loud Whenever you're fallin' hit play Turn it up turn it up If you feel you're too far away Turn it up turn it up

在iTunes上購買►https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/tur ... Spotify上的流媒體►https://open.spotify.com/track/5EVRGd ...查看我們所有的音樂視頻► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = k2rDb ...致謝:Bootstrap Buckaroo的建模,裝配,動畫,後期製作和效果:https://twitter.com/bootstrapmoves通過Katrina設置設計和動畫Lytnis:https://twitter.com/katrinalytnis由TryHardNinja撰寫的歌曲和人聲:http://www.youtube.com/user/TryHardNinja Peter Litvin的聲樂工程:http://www.PeterLitvinMusic.com由CaptainSparklez製作的樂器歌詞:如果我寫這首關於你的歌,結果證明每一個字都是真的怎麼辦?如果昨晚我有一個願景,我看到你在你的房間裡靜靜地坐著怎麼辦?如此生病和厭倦了感覺不合適用增強的低音讓你的耳機開啟你現在並不孤單當你大聲播放這首歌時,只聽到我的聲音切斷了噪音每當你摔倒時,打開它把它打開如果你覺得你太遙遠了把它翻過來把它打起來我們都想感受到連接像被拉得太遠的磁鐵如果距離無關緊要我們的話可以解決所有孤獨的心?愛在和諧中,你找到一種方式向世界播放播放的旋律你現在並不孤單當你大聲播放這首歌時聽到我的聲音切斷了噪音每當你摔倒時都會打開它把它打開如果你覺得你太遙遠了把它打起來把它打開把它打開你現在就可以開始打破沉默吧把它打起來當你發揮這麼大聲時你並不孤單每當你摔倒的時候把它向上翻它如果你覺得你太遠了把它翻過來把它翻過來


"Who I Am" - Portal Minecraft Animated Music Video
[Song by @CG5]

來源  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-oU5eaYEd0

"Who I Am" - Portal Minecraft Animated Music Video [Song by @CG5]


按讚 是一種美德


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