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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Walkthrough 1 - Sand Central Station (Demo) ~ Stan Lee in Peril


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Walkthrough 1 - Sand Central Station (Demo) ~ Stan Lee in Peril

I know I already posted a video of the demo, but I wanted to re-play the demo to show 2 things. First off I wanted to show this game's version of the "Citizen in Peril" which is called "Stan Lee in Peril" you can see this at 05:28. Apparently Stan Lee will be somewhere in each level as well as the overworld and you will be able to save him to earn a gold brick. I believe from what I have read there will be 50 different times where Stan Lee will be in peril throughout the entire game. Also, I wanted to show what happens when you fill the stud meter on this demo. Apparently, the title is "True Believer" this time around. I don't know if there are any other minikits that can be collected on this demo. If anyone knows of any, I'd be interested to hear where they are.

This video shows a complete playthrough of the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Demo for the Xbox 360.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 100% Walkthrough Playlist:


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