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Super Sentai DX Mechas Goranger- Zyuohger (1975-2016) wotafa's SENTAI spirits


Super Sentai DX Mechas Goranger- Zyuohger (1975-2016) wotafa's SENTAI spirits2016-09-12
來源  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heHFdR3z4I0
40 years of Super Sentai seriesCongratulations! 2, 000 TV broadcasts of Sentai series Awesome! To celebrate this occasion, this is what I had prepared. It would give me great pleasure that you enjoy it. You are able to watch all Robots reviews in detail in my YouTube channel. Sentai Hero is here to stay and be loved by one and all. Welcome to my channel [WOTAFA's Secret Base]. I am a toy reviewer and a guitarist. In this channel I review mainly Japanese toys such as Kamen Rider, Power Rangers, Sentai, Transformers and more. Besides Japanese toys, I review popular toys from all over the world and vintage / antique toys. Thank you so much for watching! Please subscribe for more. **Subscribing is free! I won't take your money, just your time.

40年的超級戰隊系列恭喜! Sentai系列的2000台電視直播真棒! 為了慶祝這個場合,這就是我準備的。 你會很高興享受它。 您可以在我的YouTube頻道中詳細觀看所有機器人評論。 Sentai Hero將留在這裡並受到所有人的喜愛。 歡迎來到我的頻道[WOTAFA的秘密基地]。 我是一名玩具評論家和吉他手。 在這個頻道,我主要回顧日本玩具,如假面騎士,電力別動隊,戰隊,變形金剛等。 除了日本玩具,我還會回顧來自世界各地的流行玩具和古董/古董玩具。 非常感謝你的觀看! 請訂閱更多。 **訂閱是免費的! 我不會拿你的錢,只是你的時間。



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