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2017年最佳化妝和美容黑客! Chloe Morello


16 Best Makeup & Beauty Hacks 2017! Chloe Morello
2017年最佳化妝和美容黑客! Chloe Morello

來源  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3rmTxOiuBc

Enjoy these Beauty hacks everyone! Whats your beauty hack? Products for each tip: #1 - Eyebrow Razor/Dermaplaner (Similar: http://bit.ly/2s4OTci AND my new one: http://bit.ly/2rvFkWG (not shown as this is pre filmed but I upgraded!) #2 - Urban Decay De-Slick Oil Control Setting Spray (US: http://bit.ly/2rMCxsd AUS: http://bit.ly/2r2oMnW) Sigma 3DHD Blender Sponge (http://bit.ly/2leikI9 use code ‘chloe’ for a discount at checkout!) Too Faced Born This Way Foundation & Concealer (US: http://bit.ly/2qt4YY3 AUS: http://bit.ly/2qsVXyq) #3 - Sigma L05 Lip Brush (http://bit.ly/2rdlrTH use code ‘chloe’ for a discount at checkout!) Too Faced Born This Way Concealer (US: http://bit.ly/2qt4YY3 AUS: http://bit.ly/2qsVXyq) #4 - U by Kotex Sanitary Liners (AUS: http://bit.ly/2rMCGvq) Elizabeth Arden Beautiful Colour Eyeshadow in #14 Bronze Lustre (discontinued) Zoeva 227 Luxe Soft Definer Brush (http://bit.ly/2rMIgxV) #5 - EX1 Invisiwear Powder Compact Foundation (http://bit.ly/2qtb2zK) Sigma 3DHD Blender Sponge (http://bit.ly/2leikI9 use code ‘chloe’ for a discount at checkout!) #6 - Sigma White Eyeliner (discontinued but similar US: http://bit.ly/2rME416 AUS: http://bit.ly/2rMEcxX) Colourpop Super Shock Cheek in Butterfly Beach (http://bit.ly/2p7xqCi) #7 - Sigma White Eyeliner (discontinued but similar US: http://bit.ly/2rME416 AUS: http://bit.ly/2rMEcxX) Sigma 3DHD Blender Sponge (http://bit.ly/2leikI9 use code ‘chloe’ for a discount at checkout!) #8 - Ciate Bitter Sweet Liquid Velvet (US: http://bit.ly/2qsGgr2 UK/EUR: http://bit.ly/2qxsUZH Angled Brush Unknown #9 - GHD Blow Dryer (US: http://bit.ly/2qt18OH) #10 - Benefit Roller Lash Mascara (US: http://bit.ly/2pWimnp AUS: http://bit.ly/2pYRlyI) Benefit Precisely, My Brow (for the spoolie end only: US:http://bit.ly/2pRe8Aa AUS: http://bit.ly/2qqrt3T) #11 - Real Techniques Spoolie (http://bit.ly/2qtkL9m) #12 - Hair Claw Clip (similar: http://bit.ly/2qxkQIw) #13 - Revlon Sculpt + highlight Contour Kit (AUS only: http://bit.ly/2qtiCdZ) Sigma 3DHD Blender Sponge (http://bit.ly/2leikI9 use code ‘chloe’ for a discount at checkout!) Wayne Goss Brushes 10 & 02 (http://bit.ly/2rMwUdD) #14 - Lancome Sourcils Brow Gel (US: http://bit.ly/2qt3flJ) Eyeliner brush unknown #15 - Revlon Gold Series Nipper (AUS: http://bit.ly/2qtiKtO) and Nail Clipper (AUS: http://bit.ly/2rMtOpK) Lilly Lashes ‘Believe’ Lashes (http://bit.ly/2r2FCTw use code ‘chloemorello for a discount!) #16 - L'Oreal protest Queen Lip Gloss (AUS: http://bit.ly/2rMdPYY) Some of these links may be affiliate links, or i may share affiliate codes, this means i may make a portion of sales made with the link or code, it does not cost you anything additional! In fact, a code may SAVE you money. Some links may be tracking links, this allows me to see how many people see/click the links - just useful info! I don't make any money off of tracking links. ---------------------------- Manager/Business Inquiries ONLY: All Australian enquiries please contact MAX CONNECTORS ([email protected]) International inquiries please contact Kevin Johnson ( [email protected] ) Countries outside of these can contact either. *Please note I am not available for makeup artist services* Please join me on any of my social networking and blogging sites: BLOG: http://www.chloemorello.com FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/ChloeMorelloB... TWITTER: http://twitter.com/chloemorello INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/ChloeMorello SNAP: MorelloMachine ---------------------------- Other links: SHOP MY CONTENT: http://parsel.me/chloemorello MY SIGMA BRUSHES LINK: http://bit.ly/1FCgNh3 Use the code ChloeMorello10 for 10% off! WHERE I BULK BUY FALSE EYELASHES: http://bit.ly/1U0IBSU Please note that I use affiliate links.

享受這些美女黑客大家!什麼是你的美女黑客?每個小貼士的產品:#1  - 眉毛剃刀/ Dermaplaner(類似:http://bit.ly/2s4OTci和我的新手:http://bit.ly/2rvFkWG(未顯示,因為這是預拍攝但我升級了! )#2  -  Urban Decay De-Slick Oil Control Setting Spray(美國:http://bit.ly/2rMCxsd AUS:http://bit.ly/2r2oMnW)Sigma 3DHD Blender Sponge(http://bit.ly/ 2leikI9在結賬時使用代碼'chloe'獲得折扣!)太過面對這樣的方式基礎和遮瑕膏(美國:http://bit.ly/2qt4YY3 AUS:http://bit.ly/2qsVXyq)#3  -  Sigma L05 Lip Brush(http://bit.ly/2rdlrTH在結賬時使用代碼'chloe'折扣!)Too Faced Born This Way Concealer(美國:http://bit.ly/2qt4YY3 AUS:http:// bit。 ly / 2qsVXyq)#4  -  U by Kotex Sanitary Liners(AUS:http://bit.ly/2rMCGvq)伊麗莎白雅頓#14青銅光澤(已停產)Zoeva 227 Luxe Soft Definer Brush(http:// bit) .ly / 2rMIgxV)#5  -  EX1 Invisiwear粉餅粉底(http://bit.ly/2qtb2zK)Sigma 3DHD Blender Sponge(http://bit.ly/2leikI9使用代碼'ch在收銀台享受折扣!)#6  -  Sigma White Eyeliner(已停產但類似美國:http://bit.ly/2rME416 AUS:http://bit.ly/2rMEcxX)Colourpop Super Shock Cheek in Butterfly Beach( http://bit.ly/2p7xqCi)#7  -  Sigma White Eyeliner(停用但類似的美國:http://bit.ly/2rME416 AUS:http://bit.ly/2rMEcxX)Sigma 3DHD Blender Sponge(http: //bit.ly/2leikI9在結賬時使用代碼'chloe'折扣!)#8  -  Ciate Bitter Sweet Liquid Velvet(美國:http://bit.ly/2qsGgr2 UK / EUR:http://bit.ly / 2qxsUZH斜角刷未知#9  -  GHD吹乾機(美國:http://bit.ly/2qt18OH)#10  -  Benefit Roller Lash睫毛膏(美國:http://bit.ly/2pWimnp AUS:http:// bit .ly / 2pYRlyI)好處恰如其分,我的眉毛(僅適用於後端:US:http://bit.ly/2pRe8Aa AUS:http://bit.ly/2qqrt3T)#11  -  Real Techniques Spoolie(http:/ /bit.ly/2qtkL9m)#12  -  Hair Claw Clip(類似:http://bit.ly/2qxkQIw)#13  -  Revlon Sculpt +高光輪廓套件(僅限AUS:http://bit.ly/2qtiCdZ)Sigma 3DHD Blender Sponge(http:// bi t.ly/2leikI9在結賬時使用代碼'chloe'折扣!)Wayne Goss刷10&02(http://bit.ly/2rMwUdD)#14  - 蘭蔻Sourcils Brow Gel(美國:http:// bit。 ly / 2qt3flJ)眼線刷未知#15  -  Revlon Gold系列Nipper(AUS:http://bit.ly/2qtiKtO)和Nail Clipper(AUS:http://bit.ly/2rMtOpK)Lilly Lashes'Believe'睫毛( http://bit.ly/2r2FCTw使用代碼'chloemorello折扣!)#16  -  L'Oreal抗議Queen Lip Gloss(AUS:http://bit.ly/2rMdPYY)其中一些鏈接可能是會員鏈接,或者我可以分享會員代碼,這意味著我可以使用鏈接或代碼進行銷售的一部分,它不會花費你額外的任何東西!事實上,代碼可能會為您節省金錢。一些鏈接可能是跟踪鏈接,這使我可以看到有多少人看到/點擊鏈接 - 只是有用的信息!我沒有從跟踪鏈接賺錢。 ----------------------------經理/業務諮詢僅限:所有澳大利亞諮詢請聯繫MAX CONNECTORS([email protected])國際諮詢請聯繫Kevin Johnson([email protected])以外的國家可以聯繫。 *請注意我沒有化妝師服務*請加入我的任何社交網站和博客網站:博客:http://www.chloemorello.com FACEBOOK:http://www.facebook.com/ChloeMorelloB。 .. TWITTER:http://twitter.com/chloemorello INSTAGRAM:http://instagram.com/ChloeMorello SNAP:MorelloMachine ----------------------- -----其他鏈接:SHOP MY CONTENT:http://parsel.me/chloemorello MY SIGMA BRUSHES LINK:http://bit.ly/1FCgNh3使用代碼ChloeMorello10享受九折優惠!我在哪裡購買錯誤的眼睛:http://bit.ly/1U0IBSU請注意我使用會員鏈接。


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