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Please yourself first, then take care of life. It's more important to like yourself than the world.

2.要永遠積極向上, 要永遠滿懷希望。

Always be positive and always hopeful.


We will only come to this world once. We hope to live in a poetic way, eat what we want to eat, meet people we meet, and do what we like to do.


Reading to the end, is to let us more tolerant understanding of the complexity of the world, and calmly face the people and things around us.


Lucky love fills in regret, and unfortunate love creates regret.


In fact, many things have expected the end from the beginning, and all the later twists and turns are just to delay the ending time.

7. 所有形式都可能被取代及模仿,只有你的思想是不可能被替換的,因為沒有人會知道另一個人,特別是足夠有智慧的人,下一秒會想什麼!

All forms can be replaced and imitated, only your thoughts can not be replaced, because no one will know what another person, especially those who are intelligent enough, will think next second!


When we feel that the taste of life has changed, even if we have come halfway, we should have the courage to reverse the direction and let ourselves have the opportunity to be happy.


There are too many sufferings in one's life. And support us to go down, probably is, ordinary life in a little bit of trivial and small happiness.


The difference between giving up and letting go: giving up is to sacrifice what belongs to you, while letting go is to let go what never belongs to you.


Overestimating the feelings of others is a kind of disagreement with yourself. When you think about "what others think" in everything you do, you are already giving up on yourself.


The true wisdom is acceptance, without dispute outside and opposition inside; Don't fight with heaven, don't fight with others, don't make trouble with yourself.


Even if the good people are confused in the pursuit, they will realize that there is a right way.


People must strive for strength and strength to avoid being bullied; You have to be humble and compassionate to avoid bullying others.希望今天分享的文章,能夠幫助到更多的朋友!~謝謝您。文章來源: /c/user/token/MS4wLjABAAAApMG64if7JTnHaeAxq6GkowNvE_jRJKPTFDOxzmvRO6U/?source=tuwen_detail


按讚 是一種美德


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