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1.生活在陰溝裡,依然有仰望星空的權利。 ——王爾德

Living in the gutter, you still have the right to look up at the stars. ——Wilde


It is not because others are too cunning, but because they are too greedy -- Ma Yun

3.所謂得體,就是有些話不必說盡,有些事不必做進。 ——張小嫻

The so-called propriety means that there is no need to say everything and do nothing about it. ——Zhang Xiaoxian

4.後來許多人問我一個人夜晚踟躕在路上的心情,我想起的卻不是孤單和路長,而是波瀾壯闊的海洋和天空中閃耀的星光。 ——張小嫻

Later, many people asked me how I felt when I was wandering on the road at night. What I remembered was not loneliness and the length of the road, but the magnificent ocean and the stars shining in the oxian.

5.這世上肯定有某個角落,存在著能完全領會我想表達的意思的人。 ——樹上春樹

There must be someone in the world who can fully understand what I want to say. ——Spring trees on trees

6.你無法游向新的地平線,直到你有勇氣告別海岸。 ——福克納

You can't swim to a new horizo​​​​n until you have the courage to say goodbye to the coast. ——Faulkner

7.你在,春華秋實夏蟬冬雪;你不在,春夏秋冬。 ——張國榮

If you are there, spring will be fruitful in autumn, cicadas in summer and snow in winter; if you are not, spring, summer, autumn and winter will come. ——Zhang Guorong

8.時間是最好的藥,卻也有醫不好的傷。 ——木子喵喵《竹馬鋼琴師》

Time is the best medicine, but there are also bad injuries. ——Muzimiao's Zhuma pianist

9.這世間所有的好,總結起來,也不過「如願以償」四個字。 ——北傾

All the good things in this world can only be summed up in the four words "as you wish". ——North leaning

10.玫瑰易名,芳香如故。 ——莎士比亞

The change of name of rose is as fragrant as before. ——Shakespeare

11.做你自己,說出自己的想法,因為那些介意你的人不重要,對你重要的人不會介意。 ——蘇斯博士

Be yourself and say what you think, because those who care about you don't matter, and those who matter to you don't mind. ——Dr. suss

12.歲月極美,在於他必然的流逝。春花,秋月,夏日,冬雪。 ——三毛

The beauty of time lies in the inevitable passage of time. Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer, winter snow. ——Sanmao

13.活著就談不上不幸。 ——蘇利普呂多姆

To live is no misfortune. ——Sully prudum

14.因為愛過,所以慈悲;因為懂得,所以寬容。 ——張愛玲

Because of love, so compassion; because understand, so tolerant. ——Zhang Ailing

15.如果一個人必須完成一件自己不喜歡的事,最好的方法就是盡快做好,然後結束。 ——遲子建

The best way to finish something is to finish it as soon as possible. ——Chi Zijian

16.無論風暴把我們帶到什麼樣的岸邊,我都將以主人的方式上岸。 ——賀拉斯

No matter what kind of shore the storm brings us, I will go ashore in the master's way. ——Horace

17.我想在大地上畫滿窗子,讓所有習慣黑暗的眼睛都習慣光明。 ——顧城

I want to paint all the windows on the earth, so that all eyes used to darkness are accustomed to light. ——Gu Cheng

18.不要因為結束而哭泣,要因為發生過而欣喜。 ——西奧多蘇斯蓋澤爾

Don't cry because it's over, be glad because it happened. ——Theodore suss gaizer


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