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INSANE FLAMES! Lamborghini Aventador LP720-4 Ft. Liberty Walk/Armytrix/Airrex/Forgiato


INSANE FLAMES! Lamborghini Aventador LP720-4 Ft. Liberty Walk/Armytrix/Airrex/Forgiato

Armytrix's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/armytrix...

Armytrix's website: http://www.armytrix.com -

The company Armytrix has come up with a very loud titanium exhaust available for the Lamborghini. You can hear this widebody Lamborghini Aventador (an LP720-4 50th Anniversary) modified by LB-Performance doing a series of loud accelerations and revs followed by some huge flames, sounds awesome!

Armytrix Corp. has established itself as a manufacturer of world class titanium and stainless valvetronic exhaust system for high-end performance cars. ARMYTRIX R&D team consists of German and Japanese factory engineers and supercar tuning experts, each of them has more than decades of knowledge and experiences in race track and automotive performance industry.
Armytrix公司已經確立了其作為世界級的鈦和不銹鋼控制排氣系統為高端高性能汽車製造商。 ARMYTRIX研發團隊由德國和日本工廠的工程師和超級跑車調優專家,他們每個人都有超過十年的知識和經驗,在賽道和汽車性能的行業。

Inquiry: [email protected]

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/armytrix

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/armytrix

In case you're wondering, I'm collaborating with Armytrix and some of their videos will be featured on my channel.


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