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《Top Five吉隆坡人最熱門的庭院式婚宴地點》


Marriage is a lifetime affair, which is why a wedding marks the most important event in a person's life. It is only natural to have a dream wedding in mind - from preferred decorations, food, wine, service and so on. Even those who are usually casual tend to take a serious turn when it comes to the entire process of wedding planning. 

Thankfully, Kuala Lumpur is a melting pot of culture that comprises a wide range of wedding styles. 

From simplicity to luxury, Western to Eastern, and even Japanese to Korean. Anything that you desire can be made possible by Malaysia's wedding planner company. Upon receiving precious feedback from fellow customers over the years, we have managed to compile Kuala Lumpur's top five most sought-after wedding planner company. Each of them hold unique features as well as the ability to make every new couple's dream come true.




For those who loves nature, Gita Bayu makes a potential wedding venue.

Although it is located on the outskirts of the region, Gita Bayu is rather well-equipped, with one of its main attraction being the lakeside restaurant. Imagine being surrounded by the peaceful sounds of water and gentle winds, your guests will surely be able to embrace the great mother nature while enjoying your beautiful wedding. 

Now there is absolutely no need to worry about your guests getting bored, because there are plentiful of facilities that awaits them. Such as the swimming pool, tennis court, children's playground, barbecue centre and so on. They can easily keep themselves occupied before the wedding begins! Indeed, this courtyard wedding venue is one that is of high quality, and best of all, it promises to keep your guests well entertained.

對於喜歡大自然氣氛的人來說,Gita Bayu絕對是最佳選擇。

位於郊外地區的Gita Bayu,擁有許多完善的設備。其中最引人注目的是湖畔餐廳,伴隨著潺潺水聲與徐徐風聲,絕對會讓婚宴滲入更多大自然迷人元素,讓賓客能同時沉醉在美好的婚宴與風景中。


Gita Bayu
No.2 Jalan Bayu 1, 
43300 Seri Kembangan

Tel: +6017 9892 560 (General)
Tel: +603 8943 1850 (Restaurant & Events)
Email: [email protected]

In order to meet the market demand, they gradually transitioned to becoming a wedding planner company. Ultimately, they received a great deal of positive feedback due to the variety packages offered.

Situated in Kelana Jaya, Covershots can be found in a beautiful English Colonial house that is completed with an impressive landscape garden. With such a stunning view in sight, one can surely enjoy the process of wedding planning. Especially when Covershots provides such an extensive series of services, for instance, professional photography and photo album, splendid hair and makeup, gorgeous wedding dresses, designer wedding invitations, amazing floral decorations and many more.

Most importantly, their services are reasonably priced. Apart from good value for money, one can be assured of quality and wonderful service. If you wish to have a courtyard wedding without any hassle, Covershots is definitely a perfect choice.


它位於Kelana Jaya,擁有英式殖民風格的湖邊場景與漂亮的景觀花園,方位朝西,正好能瞧見浪漫的日落,正好讓兩人夢寐以求的婚禮增添多一絲甜蜜回憶。



Cov­er­shots Lifestyle Sdn Bhd
D-10–1, Block D, Jalan SS7/13A,
Plaza Kelana Jaya,
47301 Petal­ing Jaya,
Selan­gor, Malaysia.
Tel : +603 7877 3696 / +6012 874 3696

Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Ciao is one remarkable venue.

The first thing that comes to eye is none other than the mesmerising landscape. A man-made lake paired with lush greenery, wooden railings and swing - your guests won't be able to resist taking pictures. Also, a day and night wedding projects a different feel all together. In the day, everything is bright and grand, while in the night, everything becomes sophisticated and romantic. 

As Ciao is known for its 20 years of excellence in preparing Italian cuisine, what better place to celebrate your matrimony than this?

This venue is fairly easy to locate, though we must add that the parking here is a tad limited. Do remember to bring along your insect repellent as there might be mosquitoes due to the restaurant being near a lake. 




Ciao Ristorante
No. 20A, Jalan Kampung Pandan,
off Jalan Tun Razak,
55100, Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 603-9285 4827
Fax : 603-9286 2617
E-mail : [email protected]

This hotel is located near Kuala Lumpur's Railway Station. It is Malaysia's most historical hotel since the British colonial era. Although the pricing is known to be a bit steep, it is still relatively affordable if compared to other five-star hotels.

For those who have always longed to have their wedding overseas, this venue is certainly considerable. Beaming with a neo-classical look and refined English courtyard feel, everything from architecture to its service crew portrays a consistent sense of English grandeur. Not only will your guests enjoy several high class facilities, they can also easily make way to top Malaysian tourist attractions such as the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station and Lake Gardens. 



The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur
5, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin,
50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Tel : +603 2785 8000
Fax : +603 2785 8080 
E-mail : [email protected]

Nestled in Janda Baik, this family courtyard wedding venue may not stand for the best of locations, however it allows guests to enjoy an hour's drive, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Here, guests can enjoy clean, fresh air and also take time to appreciate the unexpected beauty of nature. Sounds good, no?

Accompanied by a breathtaking forest, Enderong House's design is mainly of stones and wood, making it effortless divine. Captivating serenity aside, there's also a beautiful swimming pool that invites one to just take a relaxing dip. Truly, this is paradise for the city folks.

比較上述地點,位於Janda Baik的這家庭院式婚宴地點明顯沒有佔盡地利優勢,但是讓所有賓客驅車近一小時前往空氣清新的郊外,放下塵囂煩惱出席一場虔誠婚禮外,也能享受當地的好山好水,何樂不為?


Enderong House

Lot E6, Persiaran Enderong,
Jalan Tanarimba Pine,
Tanarimba, Janda Baik, Bukit Tinggi,
28750 Bentong, Pahang Darul Makmur

Tel: +609 2330655

Fax: +609 2330654
Email: [email protected]


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