相關訊息:[Ku6 Original]如何挑蝦線
How to take out the shrimp line2012-0510
來源 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBtAIUFU6ug
【楊桃美食網】如何煮蝦不過老也不夾生? cook shrimp2013-11-25
來源 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWQYIeiZiZc
如何煮蝦不過老也不夾生? How does one cook shrimp ?
撇步1 滾水放鹽
撇步2 煮蝦水量要夠
撇步3 水滾放蝦蝦身捲起撈出 Tip 1: Add salt to boiling water (100ml water add 1 gram )
Tip 2: Use enough water to boil the shrimp ( water is more than 2 times of shrimp )
Tip 3: Once the water is boiling, add the shrimp and rice wine , when the shrimp curl up, remove from the water.